Medical Examinations & Reports (Non NHS)
Certain services provided by the Doctors are not covered by the NHS and fees are payable for such items as:
- Large Good Vehicle (LGV) & Passenger Service Vehicle (PSV) licences
- Elderly driver licences
- Insurance
- Preemployment medicals
- Private certificates
- Holiday vaccinations
- Insurance claims
Please ask the receptionist for such services. Charges are payable at the time of attendance, and the British Medical Association (BMA) recommended scale of fees is on display at the reception desk. For further information please see Why does my doctor charge fees?
Important: if you request non-NHS work, you understand that
- All requests require advance payment in full
- Payment is non-refundable and non-negotiable
- No work will be undertaken, or an appointment booked without payment in advance
- Work and/or appointments may take up to 56 days after payment has been received. If you wish to expedite your request, this comes at an additional cost and is dependent on time & detail required
- When an appointment for non-NHS work is made and this is not attended, a charge will be made
- There is no obligation on the practice to provide any work which falls outside of core NHS requirements
A current list of fees is displayed in our Waiting Area. You may also view the practice fees here
It you have any queries regarding these, please enquire at Reception.
Non-NHS services & items NOT provided by the practice
- Benefit appeal letters
- Housing Letters
- Capacity Assessments
- Fitness for exercise / Gym membership
- Fitness to Fly: In pregnancy
- Fitness for high risk sport/activities e.g. Triathlon, Mountaineering, Parachute jump
- Letters of exemption for educational examinations / deferring examinations
- Letters for school for: toilet breaks, specific diets, exemption from sport
- Passport countersigning or acting as a witness
- PIP or ESA support letters
- Power of Attorney
- Recording injuries for insurance claims or police reports
- Shotgun or Firearms certificates
- Work experience or job placements